5 Rental Property Marketing Tips for Landlords in Raleigh, NC

5 Rental Property Marketing Tips for Landlords in Raleigh, NC

If you are trying to generate rental income in Raleigh, NC, now is the time to up your property marketing game.

Rents have continued to decline across the Raleigh metro area, as demand continues to fall, alongside the overall occupancy rate. This means that you will have to go the extra mile to ensure your property stands out.

Fortunately, you don't need a huge marketing budget to get the word out. Just follow some of these smart property advertising hacks to ensure that the right people see your listing.

1. Know Your Audience

The first rule of real estate marketing is to know exactly who you are marketing to and to adjust your messaging accordingly.

For example, if your property is in an area that is popular with young families, emphasizing safety, outdoor space, and schools will be more salient than focusing on appliances or public transport links. Focus on what your most likely tenants actually want.

2. Offer a Sweetener

In a highly competitive market characterized by falling demand, you need to get an edge on the competition. This means offering sweeteners to encourage tenants to sign a lease with you over someone else.

Many low-cost sweeteners can translate into long-term leases. Consider offering free parking, or making the first month's rent free.

You could also purchase a sweetener for your tenant, such as a free gym membership. These do not cost much but can make a huge difference in how much interest your listing generates.

3. Optimize Your Listing

Since your listing is most likely online, you should be doing everything you can to optimize that listing to ensure it shows up at the top of search results.

This means optimizing for mobile, using smaller assets to increase load times and reduce bounce rates. It means using the right keywords, which a landlord marketing expert can help you find. The more you optimize, the easier you are to find.

4. Beef-Up Your Online Presence

Speaking of being easy to find, make sure to expand your online presence so that your listing shows up in as many relevant places as possible. Get your listing on all of the main real estate websites.

Use social media heavily and promote your listings regularly. You could even consider paying to advertise your listings on popular online news sites like the Carolina Journal or the Raleigh News & Observer.

5. Offer Virtual Tours

Potential tenants want flexibility, especially if they are moving to Raliegh from out of town. You should meet them where they're at by offering virtual tours for all of your listings.

You don't need to invest in fancy tech for this. Simply offering to show a listing via FaceTime or Zoom will allow a much larger pool of tenants to gauge their interest. If you're not offering virtual tours, now is the time to start.

Your Dedicated Property Marketing Experts

Property marketing is all about offering flexibility, availability, and reachability. By making your listings tailored to your audience, easy to find, and easy to engage with, you can find the right tenants for your property.

For all of this and more, we are here to help. At PMI North Triangle, our experts can get your listing the visibility it deserves. Get in touch to find out exactly how we can help.
